2018 - School Supplies
This year Choose Live Lead provided financial support to the Child Protection and Family Services Agency in Jamaica for their Back to School Drive which provided children in need - namely those living in a family with low socioeconomic status or in foster care - with the basic school necessities (uniforms, bags, books, shoes) to be ready for the start of the 2018-2019 school year.
Choose Live Lead also partnered with Susie Pechauer and Initial Outfitters "Backpack Love" to provide Robin's Nest Children's Home with 20 cute backpacks. (Check out the IO website here.)

Founder, Heidi Fore, says, "From the expression on my kids' faces, they seem to wish they were delivering toys or video games instead. One day they'll realize that the best gift you can give a child is anything that helps them with their education. That's why I started Choose Live Lead Inc, a charity that supports education for children without parents, including helping them with uniforms, books, school supplies, anything they need to be able to attend school and educational programs. Our mission is to lower the failure rate for children without parents in their lives. We believe the first step to that is a solid education. The next priority is teaching how to keep a belief in themselves and a future they can create for themselves. The third priority is teaching them how to get a job and budget money when they age out of institutions/group homes. If you wonder what happens to the money when you donate to our charity, simply follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see how we are empowering children and teens through supporting their education."
A big thank you to all who keep our organization moving forward with your prayers and donations.